- Admissibility: Cadre TopMatch VCM has been admitted into the US court system in multiple cases, including a successful Daubert admissibility hearing. This is the first time that we know of where VCM source conclusions have been used in expert witness testimony here in the US. The Cadre Forensics team is incredibly proud to see the TopMatch technology, when used by experts in the field, provide value to the US justice system.
- Cadre Celebrates Ten Years! Cadre celebrates ten years of VCM innovation!
- Versa System Launched: New portable system with enhanced resolution introduced.
- New Loaner Program: Short term loans of TopMatch-3D Porable systems now available.

AFTE and ASCLD 2025!
Discover the forefront of VCM technology at Cadre! Join us at the upcoming 2025 ASCLD meeting in Denver (April 4 - 8)
and AFTE meeting in Anaheim (May 10 - 15) to explore our newest offerings.
As the global leader in VCM tool development, Cadre pioneered the first automated VCM triage functionality in 2020. This year, we're excited to unveil our cutting-edge tools for 3D High Volume Triage (3DHVT),
along with our latest advancements in algorithm scoring and VCM solutions. See the pdf flyers in the next section!

TopMatch-3D High-Capacity Scanner (Available Now)
Speed, Resolution, Affordability: Pick any Three.
Cadre's easy to use TopMatch-3D High-Capacity scanning and analysis system was developed by an American company and consists of world class 3D scanning hardware and the discipline's best analysis software. The patented TopMatch hardware utilizes a high-resolution imaging platform and a 15 cartridge case scanning tray to provide the sharpest measurements with the world's fastest acquisition speeds.
The industry leading TopMatch software implements 3D visualization, virtual comparison microscopy (VCM), triage, database search, automated comparison, full X3P support (for data sharing), report generation, and the ability to share data both within and between labs. Designed by and for firearms examiners, TopMatch makes scanning easy.
Cadre is the perfect system for both 3D Traige and 3D VCM.
VCM Software Remote Access Demo Video Tech Specs Webinar Demo Technology Download Brochure 3D Triage FlyerScanning Tray (Available Now)
Why waste 2.5 hours scanning what can be accomplished in fifteen minutes with Cadre?
Debuted at AFTE 2018, Cadre has the industry's only general purpose scanning tray for cartridge cases. The tray allows scanning up to fifteen cartridge cases of mixed calibers. Scanning the primers of fifteen cartridge cases on TopMatch requires less than fifteen minutes. Spend more time on examination, less on scanning.
Demo Video
TopMatch-3D Versa Scanner (Available Now)
Cadre's newly redesigned Versa scanner collects a 3D surface measurement almost as sharp as the desktop but in a portable form factor. Scan acquisition takes just seconds. Its portability allows scanning in the lab, at different sites, or in the field. The Versa also allows scanning of highly damaged bullets and bullet fragments. Two views of the portable are shown at right. Note how the scanner folds for storage and transport. The scanner head can also detach from the base for the scanning of other non-firearm toolmarks.
The Versa scanner runs off a laptop or desktop computer and runs the same TopMatch-3D VCM software as our desktop system.
VCM Software Tech Specs Flyer

Virtual Comparison Microscopy
Virtual Comparison Microscopy (VCM) provides powerful visualization and analytic tools for the comparison of detailed 3D surface topographies. In some cases, inconclusive results have been changed to identifications or eliminations after VCM. Checkout Cadre's VCM Incident Analysis Interface, our world class VCM interface launched in January 2021. Download the flyer below and request a video demo on the Contact Us page.
Virtual Comparison Microscopy World Class Incident Analysis Flyer (pdf)

Validated 3D Virtual Comparison Microscopy
Cadre's Virtual Comparison Microscopy tools have been validated by several studies. These include peer reviewed publications and independent studies conducted by the FBI and Canada's RCMP. These results ensure successful validation when you setup a Cadre system on-site at your location.

The TopMatch-3D High Capacity can now scan bullets! The desktop scanner can measure intact bullets via a custom bullet holder and bullet tray. This tray automatically rotates to scan 360 degrees around a bullet. The portable scanner can measure intact bullets, damaged bullets, mushroomed bullets, and bullet fragments. A bullet scanning and visualization webinar will be presented this spring. See the bullet visualizations on the Videos page.
Bullet Flyer
GelSight Scanning Technology
Cadre's TopMatch scanners utilize the patented GelSight elastomeric sensor during scanning to remove the influence of optical characteristics on the measurement process ensuring accurate and sharp surface measurements. Shown at left is a cartridge case as viewed through the elastomeric gel. The gel leaves no residue on the cartridge case and can be utilized dozens of times. The use of the GelSight sensor allows Cadre's systems to capture amazing detail on striated toolmarks. We encourage you to compare our Aperture Shear measurements to any competing system.
TechnologyDemonstrations and Loaner Program
Interested in a virtual demo? We created several videos including a time-lapse recording of scan capture and a complete demonstration of the scanning process. This virtual tour walks you through many software features and shows off a number of measured 3D topographies. Click Contact Us below to request a link to the recorded webinar.
Interested in our Loaner Program? Cadre launched a new hardware loaner program in January 2023. Loans will be short term (typically 3 weeks) and will include a TopMatch-3D Portable scanner and laptop. Labs will get access to Cadre's online learning academy and other instructional materials. This includes tutorials on scan acquisition as well as the basics of Cadre TopMatch VCM software for the analysis of cartridge cases and bullets.
Videos Contact Us Loaner Program

Request Demo Software
Take our software for a test drive and see Cadre TopMatch-3D scans for yourself. We're sure you'll be impressed! Reach out on the contact page.
ContactInterested in More?

FBI. Cadre Forensics is a provider of 3D Surface Topography scanning hardware and software to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Firearms/Toolmarks Unit. In May 2017, after completing an internal validation study, the Quantico, Virginia based FBI-FTU went live with the use of the TopMatch system for use with casework.
Validated. Cadre's Virtual Comparison Microscopy tools have been validated by several studies. These include peer reviewed publications and independent studies conducted by the FBI and Canada's RCMP. These results ensure successful validation when you setup a Cadre system on-site at your location.
American Technology. The TopMatch system's imaging sensor is based on MIT research. The core elastomeric sensor was invented by GelSight Inc, an American company located in Massachusetts. The development of the complete hardware and software system for firearm forensics was undertaken by Cadre Research, an American company with headquarters in Chicago.
The Cadre Team
X3P. Cadre was the first to release a free X3P viewer for firearm forensics and is a founding member of the Open Forensic Metrology Consortium (OpenFMC). Cadre encourages the free and easy exchange of topographic data. Your data is your data.
Free X3P Viewer
VCM Studies. Cadre and collaborators have completed a number of validation studies demonstrating the effectiveness and quality of Cadre VCM. These include the VCMERS, VCMTRS, and VIP studies. Papers for some of these studies are available while others are under review.
Current Study
Patented. Both the GelSight imaging sensor and the TopMatch scanning hardware are protected by US patents and are supported by many peer-reviewed research publications.