Cadre's Suite of Validated 3D Imaging
and Analysis Software for VCM
Designed Specifically for Firearm Forensics
Cadre's TopMatch software is the premier software application for 3D Virtual Comparison Microscopy (VCM) for firearm forensics. TopMatch implements a full collection of tools for Virtual Comparison Microscopy and Computer Assisted Microscopy. Cadre's are the most validated tools in the industry. Peer reviewed and published studies as well as those completed by the FBI and the Canadian RCMP support the use of Cadre Virtual Comparison Microscopy within the lab. Studies suggest that Cadre-VCM provides detail beyond traditional light comparison microscopy resulting in a lower inconclusive rate. Ask us about a recent cold case where an inconclusive traditional microscopy result was reexamined by Cadre's VCM which allowed for an identification result.
- TopMatch Scanner Interface (full interface to
Desktop or Portable system)
- Scan Database
- Virtual Comparison Microscopy (3D Visualization)
- Triage
- Computer Assisted Microscopy
- Newly Redesigned Incident Analysis Tools
- Scan Comparison (Match Score)
- X3P Import / Export
- Remote Access (within Lab and between Labs via
Cadre Nexus!)
- Hits Management
- Report Generation (MS Word Compatible)
Firearm and toolmark examination is your main focus and it's ours as well!


The main TopMatch application runs on the scanning workstation and allows core functionality including scan acquisition, visualization, database storage, search, import/export, etc. TopMatch software is of course included with TopMatch scanning hardware.
Remote Viewer

Remote Viewer Software can be run on any examiner desktop computer in your organization and allows remote access to the scans stored on the scanning workstation. The Remote Viewer is included with TopMatch scanning hardware.
Free X3P Viewer

Cadre developed the first free X3P viewer for firearm forensics. This free viewer allows you to share X3P surface topographies with other examiners who may not have a TopMatch system. Click here for system requirements for the free viewer software.

Interpretable Algorithmic Scoring
TopMatch implements several algorithmic scoring functions for comparing measured 3D surface topographies. The TopMatch approach uses advanced comparison algorithms from the field of Computer Science. These methods automatically identify and quantify corresponding distinctive geometric features between the two scans.
Unlike other systems which provide little to no explanation on the detail of a match, the TopMatch system can display a heatmap (shown at left) to explain the computed match score. With a heatmap, the software uses a patented method to color code the surface of the cartridge cases to indicate the areas of geometric similarity. This visualization provides interpretability and facilitates communication of your findings.
Cadre is hard at work developing a statistical scoring function to complement the raw match score. The goal is to assign a more interpretable probability of match to each candidate comparison. The approach incorporates both the number of matched features as well as the quality of those matches. Toward this goal, Cadre is scanning thousands of cartridge cases of varying ammunition as well as all calibers, manufacturing types, makes, and models. If your lab has old test fires to donate please let us know!
Cadre software allows data sharing both within and between labs via the Remote Viewer software and the Cadre Nexus. Even share via the web!

Cadre Scanners and Software

TopMatch-3D Scanners
TopMatch-3D High Capacity Desktop and TopMatch-3D Portable scanners.
Tech Specs Videos
Demo Videos
Overview of scanning hardware and software including video of batch scanning tray.
Learn More
Virtual Comparison Microscopy
World's Best Validated Tools for Virtual Comparison Microscopy.
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