Demo Videos
Automated Scanning Tray (Time-lapse of 15 Scans in Under 10 Minutes)
There is no comparison. In this 30 second time-lapse video watch the TopMatch-3D High Capacity scanner acquire 15 high resolution scans in under ten minutes!
TopMatch-3D Firing Pin Impression Visualizations (6 Minutes)
This video montage shows a few of the firing pin impressions from our FPI scanning and visualization presentation. There is no audio in this short clip.
TopMatch-3D Bullet Visualizations (2 Minutes)
This video shows scans of test fired bullets from three different firearms. There is no audio in this short clip.
TopMatch-3D High Capacity Virtual Demo (11 Minutes)
This video provides a complete overview of the TopMatch-3D High Capacity scanning system from Cadre. It demonstrates scan acquisition, visualization, search, and remote access.
Cadre Scanners and Software

TopMatch-3D Scanners
TopMatch-3D High Capacity Desktop and TopMatch-3D Portable Handheld scanners.
Tech Specs Videos
Demo Videos
Overview of scanning hardware and software including video of batch scanning tray.
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Virtual Comparison Microscopy
World's Best Validated Tools for Virtual Comparison Microscopy.
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