Validated Virtual Comparison Microscopy (VCM)
Cadre's Validated VCM Tools Lead the Industry

In VCM the examiner views and manipulates the measured 3D representation of an object using a computer without physical access to the specimen. The use of Virtual Microscopy has the potential to greatly enhance the speed and accuracy of remote collaboration. For example, a lab can send digital 3D scanned topography files to a second remote location for a quick consult or check. It allows two different labs to compare evidence cartridge cases without having to physically ship the cartridge cases between them. This decreases turn-around time and simplifies chain of custody documentation.
Cadre's Virtual Microscopy software allows an examiner to load scans side-by-side, rotate and translate the scans in locked or unlocked mode, zoom into fine detail, adjust lighting, annotate surface detail, and export high-resolution screenshots for inclusion into reports and presentation. Our software is fully compatible with the international standard X3P (XML 3D Surface Profile) file format. X3P is being adopted by a group of academic, industry, and government firearm forensics researchers (OpenFMC) for the free exchange of topography data.
Because VCM utilizes high-resolution surface topographies it often provides visual detail beyond what is typically seen with traditional Light Comparison Microscopy (LCM). In some cases examiners have moved from an inconclusive to an identification by using VCM (ask us for example cases where this happened).
- Remote Access and Collaboration
- Improved Visual Detail (Lower Inconclusive Rates)
- Blind Verification
- Triage
- Training
- Proficiency Testing
Multiple Solutions
Cadre offers several hardware and software solutions for VCM.
Learn more about data sharing both within-lab and between-lab on
the remote access page.
Remote Access
Incident Analysis Interface
Cadre is proud to introduce Incident Analysis, our new world class interface for VCM available in TopMatch and VCM Client software. Through the Incident Analysis interface an examiner can:
- View and examine the 3D microscopic surfaces of acquired scans
- Annotate scan surfaces to support conclusions
- Record written text notes
- Use multiple scoring (similarity) algorithms to evaluate specimen similarity
- Visualize scoring algorithm result overlays and extracted striation profiles
- Capture screen shots and images of the microscopic surfaces for use in notes and reports
- Link items with common source
- Generate MS Word compatible structured case notes and reports with text, screenshots, linkages, meta-data, scores, and lab-specific customizations
Learn more in our Incident Analysis Flyer and request a video demo on our Contact Us page Incident Analysis Flyer (pdf) Contact Us
Traceability refers to the ability to relate a measurement back to a gold standard through an unbroken chain of calibrations. Traceable measurements provide confidence in what you're measuring and is a critical component of VCM. Without traceable measurements one can't make comparison statements which are dependent on the size, scale, or shape of specific toolmarks. Cadre TopMatch-3D measurements can be made traceable with the provided microscale reference specimen.
Validated Tools
Cadre's VCM tools including the TopMatch-3D scanning hardware and VCM visualization software have been validated via peer reviewed studies and studies conducted by the FBI and Canadian RCMP. These studies involved over 180 individual participants and cartridges from casework as well as reference collections. The studies were designed to replicate casework scenarios in terms of structure and toolmark class and quality. The results of these studies strongly support the use of Cadre-VCM in casework situations. Cadre-VCM is at least as good and likely better than traditional light comparison microscopy. In fact, some of the validation studies had statistical trends showing a lower inconclusive rate with Cadre-VCM than with traditional microscopy.
Cadre has experience working with labs to get them internally validated on our system. Based on the system's track record with previous labs we are confident that you will be able to internally validate Cadre-VCM for use in your lab.
Not All VCM is the Same!

Note that the validation studies we've completed only apply to VCM using Cadre hardware and software (referred to as Cadre-VCM) and the studies do not apply to other vendors' systems. To our knowledge no other system has passed the same level of VCM validation as Cadre.
Enhanced Contrast Mode
The Enhanced Contrast Viewing Mode makes measured surface detail pop off the screen by accentuating the visual features on a 3D scan. Note that the enhanced contrast does NOT adjust the measured 3D surface, it simply changes the lighting model of the graphics rendering algorithm. The surface is still the same surface you measured with your TopMatch-GS 3D system. The following sample images show the Normal Contrast Mode on the left and the Enhanced Contrast Mode on the right for a Hi-Point C9 (9mm Luger).

Peer Reviewed Research & Validation
Cadre's scanning hardware, VCM software, and comparison algorithms have been developed, validated, and published in peer reviewed journals.
Free X3P Software
Cadre has released a beta version of the free 3D viewer for X3P files. As a commonly supported file format, X3P will facilitate both the sharing of data and algorithm development. Any system that supports the reading and writing of X3P data can exchange data. That is, a scan collected on a confocal microscope can be imported into our TopMatch software as well as the free Cadre 3D Viewer.
Note that viewing high-resolution 3D scans does require a somewhat 'modern' computer. The 3D viewer software runs best on a machine purchased 2014 or later, with at least 4GB of system memory, and Windows 7 or 10. Details on the recommended and required system specs can be found Here.
Click Here to request a link to the viewer software. Please indicate `X3P Viewer Software' in the 'Product or Service of Interest' field.

Virtual Microscopy Workstation

Cadre's Virtual Microscopy viewer will run on a modern Windows 7 or 10 machine. For the best VCM viewing you can purchase an optimally configured Virtual Microscopy Workstation from Cadre. The setup includes a Dell desktop computer, a high-end graphics card, required graphics memory, and an optimal high-resolution high-contrast 28" display.
Please inquire for pricing information. Click Here to request pricing. Please indicate `Virtual Microscopy Workstation' in the 'Product or Service of Interest' field.
Cadre Scanners and Software

Validated. Cadre's Virtual Comparison Microscopy tools have been validated by several studies. These include peer reviewed publications and independent studies conducted by the FBI and Canada's RCMP.
VCM-TR Study. Building off the success of the 2018 VCMER study, Cadre is conducting a Virtual Comparison Microscopy study into the effect of scan resolution on inconclusive rates. Enrollment is now open. Click for more information.
TopMatch-3D Scanners
TopMatch-3D High Capacity Desktop and TopMatch-3D Portable Handheld scanners.
Tech Specs Videos